Without any doubt, post-production is part and parcel of Studio Colle. We are storytellers. We see the bigger picture and make sure pieces will fall into place.
Are you looking for an editor who can join your team? Then come and talk to our editors. We're there when you need us.
who we are
The content we make is a mix of television programs, online content and videos entirely created by us from scratch.
Good to know: we're passionate about sports, entertainment, lifestyle, human interest and so much more.
Digital marketing and online campaigning increasingly beg for powerful and illuminating video content.
At Studio Colle, we focus more and more on online videos and graphic design of all kinds of online ads, banners, carrousels and much more.
Your vision is the starting point.
What we do, is to translate your story into
sharp online video content.
The bricolleurs edit trailers and television programs for DPG Media, VRT, NEP, EMG, Eleven Sports, ...
We also support production houses in their post-production management, from ingest to mastering.
Feel free to take a look at 'what we do'.
We love to feed our creativity. From time to time, we entirely take control of small-scale productions. From the first pitch onwards, up until the color grading of the final edit. We manage everything.
In that respect, we are able to guarantee the quality of the final result during the entire production process.
Entering our editing studio feels like coming home to us. Cutting and pasting is written in our genes.
Every single day, we create the stories you want to tell and we glue pieces together to a great video edit.
You want to appeal to an editor who can help you out for a longer period of time or you're looking for someone who can translate your story into video and sound?
Don't hesitate any longer and feel free to get in touch with us.